Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday Writer 10.30

I was never very good at poetry. 
Like that was the class I barely passed in order to receive my degree. 
My professors probably hated me. 
Well this morning I woke up, and I wrote a poem. 
Draft ONE, ya see. 
Comments appreciated. 

Can you write about love?
I sure can’t.
Every time I start, my heart stops
my hand cramps
my legs twitch
my head aches.
The pain of love written on
my battered body.

When I try to write about love
I remember the times when 
nothing really mattered
beyond seeing the smile on your face
the light in your eyes.
I remember the covers on the bed
falling slowly 
on laughing limbs and
warm embraces.

When I try to write about love
I see no end in sight,
true love stories are endless
real love is never finished.

When I try to write about love
the scars on my heart
beat in rhythm,
screaming out the tales of how much I love you
scared, reckless and willing,
Perfect and so familiar.

When I write about love
I want to tell you how much
it all means
I want to do everything she never had the courage
to fight for, love for, reach for.

When I write about love
I remember
that loving you was the last thing I felt really good at.
I can breathe the next 60 years,
knowing you’ll be by my side for it all.

When I write about love
I want to yell
at cupid.
Damn it. I can’t.
stop using me as target practice.

When I write about love 
I want to be drunk
on your footsteps,
planning our life
not my wedding.

When I write about love I get scared
because every time you get close to me
I forget to breathe.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Taking Stock 10.28

So this is "trending" currently, and I know as a "hipster" that I shouldn't always follow the norm (feel like that is an oxymoron for me... I don't know) but i felt like this would be good to do every once in awhile. Just a way of taking stock of my life, as of late. There's been fluctuation and change. A lot. And I am sure there will continue to be some more. 

Making : Coffee!! Got a new job, learning the ways around espresso. I get to drink coffee everyday. This could be bad. 

Cooking : Veggies. I am in love with vegetables lately. I have them at every meal. I crave them now. A little bit of black pepper to taste sometimes, but otherwise, fill the bowl. 

Drinking : Dirty Chai. It's a chai tea latte with a shot of espresso. Sometimes I put a little flavor to "spice it up" but I just like it. It is my fall and winter drink go to. Try it! 

Reading: Joyce Carol Oates, We Were the Mulvaneys. I have to slowly go through it though. I've been trying to knock it out, but there are times I have to take my time. The detail in her words, although she is succinct, depth and meaning comes from the profound and unfathomable layers. 

Wanting: A hug. Not really from everyone in particular. Well, maybe someone or a few someones, but just a big giant hold me tight for a good 45 seconds. And you better be warm. And smell good. I'll take more than one!

Looking: At art. I miss my trip to D.C. and the National Gallery, even though it is shutdown currently, I would love to go exploring again. And it doesn't have to be in our own country. Another one would be kind of neat too.  It is just interesting to view Salvador Dali's The Last Supper in the elevator vestibule. 

Playing: All kinds of new music. I am opening and broadening my horizons. Suggestions welcomed and appreciated. 

Wasting: My time thinking. I think way too much. Sometimes, I we need to just act on it. Obviously you'll know if it is the wrong decision. And I don't want to harm anyone. But I wish that I would stop thinking and just do. 

Sewing: I needed new buttons on my pea coat. So I bought these cool silver ones, and now I am slowly adding them to the coat. But I better get a little quicker. It is getting COOOOLLLLDDDD. 

Wishing: I knew what was in store. I have so much going on sometimes, I feel like I need to take a beat and just sit in the moment. And understand life has a lot in store for me. I just have to be open to it. 

Enjoying: Company. I actually went out and hung out with people. REAL PEOPLE. I know, I know, crazy right? But I am enjoying getting to know people, and learn new things and trying new things and in the process, learning more about myself. I am still full of butterflies always about everything. And my hands are still shaking, but my confidence is growing again. I am learning I don't have to pretend as much. 

Waiting: For myself to make the next move. Just trying to figure out what that is. 

Liking: Black and white movies. I've been watching them a lot lately. A good warm cup of tea, a big old quilt with memories tied, and a good Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, or Dick Van Dyke movie and I've got the perfect night. Sure it's better with company, but either way it is cozy. 

Wondering: Where has the time gone? I feel like I'm still

Loving: The crispness of the fall mornings, which are quickly getting crispier. But those early morning runs with two of the most awesome people in the whole wide world, that's what I'm loving. They make getting up before everyone else, even the sun, the best. And the easiest. Even when we are doing hill repeats and I want to throw up. Even if we aren't meeting I know they are running and I get to be outside and see the stars and hear the silence of the morning. I get to crunch in the leaves before the wind blows them all away. And I get to experience my mornings instead of sleeping them away. 

Hoping: My life would figure itself out. But I know I have to do that. :)

Marvelling: At the beauty of fall. I love the colors, the flavors, the richness that is fall in Spokane. The colors are just joyful to me. And a warm cup of cider doesn't hurt either. 

Needing: A hug. It is a want and a need. So if you know anyone?? Or they could come with me on a camping trip, so I can turn off my phone for a while? And they can hug me when I get back. I don't want them to come I changed my mind. Just a hug when I get back. I need a little bit to shut down and reboot for a little while. It is not as great a need as it was a few weeks ago, it just should take place. Even though it is practically winter. 

Smelling: PUMPKIN! And coffee. My new job is all about coffee, literally. Which is a lot of fun at the moment. I like getting off work and smelling that way. It is invigorating. And nice because I have always wanted lotion that smelled like coffee. I feel like guys would dig that, just a little bit. 

Wearing: Flannel, flannel, and more flannel. I have a lot. And in different colors. OH! And sweaters. Scarves too. I like fall fashion. Layers are my best friends. 

Noticing: How much happier I have become. I am still constantly hesitant about everything. And worried about judgement and the like, but I am happy. And it is slowly but surely building. 

Knowing: I am going to be ok, no matter what. Whatever I decide to do, I will be ok and it will be what is best for me. I almost feel selfish making those decisions. I haven't done things for myself in a very, very long time. But I know now it is what keeps me safe, and sane for that matter. My life is guided and I just have to be willing to accept whatever comes my way and know that I can handle it. And I can be me. 

Thinking: Of opportunity. I have been blessed with so many as of late, and I feel a little overwhelmed. It is funny that even when you feel like nothing is going your way or you aren't seeing the blessings before you, and then suddenly all of this comes to a head and you have an over abundance. And you still have no clue what to do. 

Feeling: I am feeling so sore from everything! I am back running higher mileage again, which I love. And I am on my feet all day long, which I also love. And I AM DANCING! Pretty much everyday I find the time to do a little dance. I love it, but sometimes I bust a move a little too hard and well, I am sore for days. But a good sore. 

Bookmarking: Gluten free recipes. Like a lot. And mostly pumpkin-based baked goods. It's fall. I want to eat them. All of them. Now. I just bookmarked a few more while getting distracted writing this post. 

Opening: New doorways and new opportunities. And a lot of mail! I like mail. Some of it is stuff I asked for, like my new sleeping bag from REI. But some, like bills, are not exactly wanted. Can I go back to being a kid again?

Giggling: My face hurts from smiling. I haven't smiled this much in FOREVER. I love it. Thank you Lord and everyone involved in creating that on my face. Even the weird faces I make. 'Cuz you all know you love it too. 

Feeling: Tired, but satisfied. I feel like I am on the go a lot lately, and I feel energized by it, but when it is time for bed, I am ready for that too! Just making sure to take care of myself. Tea and soup do wonders. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Delusions of Grandeur

                                              I’ve been sick all weekend.
Fever. Cough that makes me feel like I’m hacking up a lung. Sleep. Fluids. And lots of just sitting there.
I remember when I was little and I was sick, I would go to my Nana’s house while my younger brother would be at school. I would sleep in the guest bedroom, once my uncle’s room. I would get orange juice, and toast with a huge slab of butter on it, and hot tea with extra sugar. And in the afternoons, after I had slept most of the morning, I would get to sit downstairs and watch cartoons- nurse’s orders. Then I would secretly flip it to the channel that played all the old TV shows: I Love Lucy, Laverne and Shirley, and the Dick Van Dyke show. You know, the classics. I dreamt of a time I would live like that: stomping grapes for wine like Lucy, dancing with Dick like Mary, and hoping the door wouldn’t fly open from a random neighbor needing something- Oh Squiggy.
I loved those shows. More than any show I can think of today. I mean don’t get me wrong I’ll sit down and watch a good marathon of Parks and Rec or How I Met Your Mother, sure. But the originals are definitely where it’s at.
After passing through the stages of feeling like death, actually dying and then coming back to life, I have rested—nurses orders. And I have Netflix binged a little bit. Only a little. But I’ve put it to good use. I’ve watched my classics.
I’ve watched the Dick Van Dyke show, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, to name a couple. I don’t want to sound like a total lush just sitting here doing nothing. I’ve actually written nearly fifty pages of a manuscript I’ve been working on for some time. Now to edit the delusions will be quite interesting.

Today I finally feel well enough to sit up and breathe. Hopefully without too much effort, but I can see outside with the fog covering the trees, and the orange leaves, but my mind keeps wandering to those black and white film screens projecting off of my computer.
How beautiful those people are, just loving life. Things were simple. They said what they felt, but in the most poetic and becoming way one could recite such words. Clothes were pressed, dishes stacked, coffee was small (which would scare me), jokes were funny not crude, and even when they made fun of each other they never meant to be mean, if they crossed the line, apologies followed.
Problems were solved, not thrown away. Issues resolved, not tossed to the side only to be swept under the rug later.

Dick Van Dyke danced his way into our hearts with his goofy smiles and affection for Mary Tyler Moore.
Gosh darn, I want a love like theirs: simple, beautiful, poetic.
Or like Holly Golightly and Paul. The back and forth, the awkward yet, adorable flirtation that kept their relationship together.
They had fun.
Delusions of grandeur.
It was a beautiful time being sick, actually. I liked reminiscing on times I was never in, and experiencing a little flashback of my own childhood.
So anytime I’m sick, I’ll follow nurses orders. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Epic weekend: The Rundown.

Okay, we've all had them: those absolutely epic weekends, where everything just goes so perfectly right. It's a beautiful mixture of all the favorite things you have and all the favorite people. And you are blissfully and unassumingly happy. Joy truly comes beaming off of your face.
Well, I haven't had one of those in quite sometime. And last weekend, I finally landed on one!

I found waldo too. 

I got to go home to my family. I saw my grandparents, my cousins, and my younger brother. It was a beautiful drive. I spent some time in Seattle, and I loved every minute of it. I ran the runs I have missed so dearly. My brother and I stayed up late watching our childhood memories in the form of Disney movies. And I got to teach my cousins the love I have found in running.

I came home to a concert with a friend, already previously discussed. :) WHICH WAS AWESOME!

And then I had staff bonding, with my new coworkers. We had too much fun, they gave me a new name, and we enjoyed our youth in the form of dancing and breakfast in the morning.

Fall is upon us. And here's to more weekends!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thank You Thursday 10.24

Being that I have a degree in English, I have a strange love for alliterations. So here we go. 

For my first "Thank You Thursday" I would like to throw a special shout out to a couple of my dear friends. Two people who are far too kind to me. They let me hang out with their beautiful dog, they give me bottles (and jars!) of wine, they invite me over for music in their yard, and so much more. Even got me to start this here blog they did. I am forever grateful. And they keep me on top of it, even when I'm not. 

"decide what to be and go be it"

"give me your love and i'll hold it like a dandelion."

They have been there far beyond any imaginable friendship. And I truly love them for it. 
Recently, I got to go to a concert and enjoy our tastes in music altogether. I am truly blessed to have them in my life!
So thank you guys!! You know who you are. :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

It's been too long...

I feel so far behind! I am trying to get all caught up, but it's been a process. I've been hectic and busy, but loving it!! Here's a few pictures for a quick update. Promise I have much in the works!

And each picture will have a story... just a little sneak peak here.